Declarative configuration import for Istio Authorizer

For ACP deployment agents can import and declaratively configure gateways, client applications, policies, and APIs. Learn how to utilize the built-in importJob to speed up your workflow and provide access control for your APIs.

Declarative configuration import for ACP

To learn about declarative configuration import for ACP configuration, see the Declarative configuration import for ACP article.


  1. All prerequisites for Declarative configuration import for ACP are met.

  2. Istio version 1.9 or subsequent is installed and up and running.

  3. Istio Authorizer is added as an extension provider for your Istio Service Mesh.

    For instructions on how to define Istio Authorizer as an external authorization provider for Istio, see Installing Istio Authorizer guide.

  4. Service of your choice deployed in your Kubernetes cluster

    You need to deploy a service in order to be able to import APIs to your ACP instance and apply access control to protect them.


    If you do not have a deployment-ready service at hand, you can deploy, for example, a httpbin service which can be found in the acp-on-k8s GitHub repository. For more instructions regarding protecting HTTP services, see Deploying and protecting HTTP services article.

Import Istio Authorizer

  1. Edit your acp-cd Helm Chart’s values.yaml file and provide your configuration definition for Istio Authorizer and its client application.

    Importing authorizers

    To learn how to import authorizers to ACP, see Authorizers section of the Declarative configuration import for ACP article.

        - tenant_id: {tid}
          authorization_server_id: {aid}
          id: sample-istio-authorizer
          client_id: istio-authorizer-client
          client_secret: cf53caab-fb55-40a7-8c63-620ce11102e2
          name: Sample Istio Authorizer
          description: Sample imported Istio Authorizer
          type: istio
          create_and_bind_services_automatically: true
        - tenant_id: {tid}
          authorization_server_id: system
          client_id: istio-authorizer-client
          client_secret: cf53caab-fb55-40a7-8c63-620ce11102e2
          token_endpoint_auth_method: client_secret_basic
          system: false
          trusted: false
          client_name: Istio Authorizer client
          application_type: web
            - client_credentials
            - code
            - introspect_tokens
            - push_gateway_requests
            - read_gateway_configuration
            - write_gateway_configuration
  2. Upgrade your Helm Chart.


Your Istio Authorizer is imported to ACP and a client application for the authorizer is created in the System workspace of your tenant.

Install Istio Authorizer in k8s

Install Istio Authorizer using its Helm Chart and adjust its configuration to your needs. You do not need to manually create your authorizer in ACP’s UI as you had already imported the authorizer in the previous step of this guide.

Import API groups and services

To learn how to import API groups and services and to know what are the possible scenarios that differ between your authorizer configuration for service discovery, get familiar with the API groups and services section of the Declarative configuration import for ACP article.

For Istio Authorizer, API group identifier and service identifiers are Base64 URL encoded SPIFFE IDs which are built being based on the service account of the protected pod. To avoid using long and unreadable API groups identifiers, ACP supports Base64 encoding of SPIFFE IDs.

You can define your API group identifier using the encSpiffeID function as shown below:

  - id: "{{ encSpiffeID \"spiffe://{domain}/ns/{namespace}/sa/{service_account}" }}"

You can define your service identifier using the encServiceID function as shown below:

  - id: "{{ encServiceID \"spiffe://{domain}/ns/{namespace}/sa/{service_account}" }}"
  1. Prepare your values.yaml file.

    If you disabled service discovery for your authorizer, an import example can look like the following:

        - tenant_id: {tid}
          server_id: {aid}
          id: {{ encSpiffeID "spiffe://cluster.local/ns/default/sa/httpbin" }}
          service_id: httpbin-service
          gateway_id: sample-istio-authorizer
          name: default/httpbin_api_group
            - method: GET
              path: /deny
            - method: GET
              path: /anything
        - id: httpbin-service
          tenant_id: {tid}
          authorization_server_id: {aid}
          gateway_id: sample-istio-authorizer
          name: default/httpbin_service
            - method: GET
              path: /deny
              can_have_policy: true
              policy_id: block_api
            - method: GET
              path: /anything
              can_have_policy: true
              policy_id: block_api

    You can see that in the example above, the service identifier is not encoded. When you encode your API group identifier, you do not need to encode the service ID. You can encode it if you wish, but then, in the service_id parameter of the gateway_api_groups object, you need to provide the encoded service identifier as well.

    If the service discovery setting is enabled for your authorizer, an import example can look like the following:

        - id: {{ encServiceID "spiffe://cluster.local/ns/default/sa/httpbin" }}
          tenant_id: corelia
          authorization_server_id: test-authz
          gateway_id: sample-istio-authorizer
          name: default/httpbin_service
            - method: GET
              path: /deny
              can_have_policy: true
              policy_id: block_api
            - method: GET
              path: /anything
              can_have_policy: true
              policy_id: block_api

    You can see that to avoid long and unreadable service ID, it is encoded using the {{ encServiceID }} function.

    Policies assignment

    The above example includes policies already assigned to your APIs. You can assign policies when importing services as long as they already exist within ACP or are imported as a part of the same values.yaml file.

  2. Upgrade your Helm Chart.


Your API groups and services are imported to ACP and visible in the APIs view.

If you imported the definition for services with policies assigned, your APIs are already protected. If not, you can assign them manually.