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Protect APIs deployed behind internal API Gateways

ACP Standalone Authorizer gives you a possiblity to connect your internal API gateway to a locally deployed ACP authorizer for externalized access control. Learn how to implement authorization for your APIs.

About Standalone Authorizer

Standalone Authorizer provides an external authorization service for API gateways and applications. It is an unique authorizer, because it is not specialized to any single product or technology, and is capable of serving in a variety of use-cases. This is why you can use Standalone Authorizer to protect your APIs that are deployed behind your own internal gateway. This flexible option for external authorization, allows policy management for API access to be managed centrally, with benefits to visibility and auditability.

To learn more about the authorizer, see the Configurable External Authorization for APIs documentation.


  • Docker version required is 1.20 or subsequent

  • Docker-compose version required is 1.29 or subsequent

  • Access to an ACP tenant

Create Standalone Authorizer

  1. In the workspace of your choice, go to Enforcement > Authorizers.


  3. Select Standalone and provide a display name and a description for your authorizer.

  4. Optionally, enable the Create and bind services automatically check box.


    When enabled, all services protected by your Standalone Authorizer instance are discovered and added to the ACP service list automatically when the Standalone Authorizer is connected to ACP. Otherwise, you need to add them manually.

  5. On the Gateway Management Quick Start tab, click Download Package.

    The standalone-authorizer.zip file contains three files:

    • .env that contain OAuth client credentials for your authorizer

      Client credentials

      In ACP a gateway/authorizer objects consists of two objects: an actual gateway and a client application created for this gateway/authorizer in the System workspace for your tenant. Credentials of this client application are used in client credentials OAuth grant flow call to the ACP’s token endpoint to authenticate your client application.

    • credentials.txt Docker-login credentials

    • docker-compose.yml responsible for providing your authorizer’s deployment configuration.

      TLS certificates

      If your ACP service is using a self-signed certificate, or the certificate does not match the hostname that you are using to connect to ACP, you can disable the TLS check by adding the ACP_TLS_CLIENT.INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY environment variable set to true to your docker-compose.yml file. See example:

  6. In your terminal, navigate to the directory where you have unzipped the Standalone Authorizer.

  7. Use the following commands to start the authorizer in a Docker container:

    cat credentials.txt | docker login docker.cloudentity.io --username acp --password-stdin
    docker-compose up

After you run the docker-compose up, you should see output similar to the following:

standalone-authorizer    | {"commit":"a1463ff","level":"info","msg":"starting standalone authorizer","time":"2021-10-25T12:10:37Z","version":"latest"}
standalone-authorizer    | {"level":"info","msg":"standalone-authorizer listening on https://localhost:9004","time":"2021-10-25T12:10:38Z"}
standalone-authorizer    | {"level":"info","msg":"Starting authorizer reload...","time":"2021-10-25T12:10:48Z"}
standalone-authorizer    | {"level":"info","msg":"Authorization configuration reloaded (170.685855ms)","time":"2021-10-25T12:10:48Z"}

It means that your Standalone Authorizer instance is successfully running and that it started to load authorization configuration. The authorizer is ready to discover APIs.

Create API Groups

To enable the Standalone Authorizer to discover your APIs, you need to prepare your API definition in a form of a JSON file.

The JSON specification is defined as follows:

         "id":"API Group ID",
         "name":"API Group Name",
               "api_type":"One of 'rest' or 'graphql'",
               "method":"HTTP method: GET,PUT, etc",
               "path":"HTTP URL path",
               "qraphql_schema":"GraphQL schema"

Below, you can see an example which defines one endpoint at the /anything path that supports five HTTP methods:

    "api_groups": [
            "name": "my-service",
            "id":   "my-service",
            "apis": [
                "path": "/anything",
                "method": "GET"
                "path": "/anything",
                "method": "PATCH"
                "path": "/anything",
                "method": "PUT"
                "path": "/anything",
                "method": "POST"
                "path": "/anything",
                "method": "DELETE"

Import APIs to authorizer

Once you have configured the Standalone Authorizer container and prepared a specification for your APIs, you need to import them to your Standalone Authorizer’s instance. When the APIs are imported, you are able to apply access control to them by assigning authorization policies.

Send a PUT request to the /apis endpoint of your Standalone Authorizer. See example below:

curl -sSLk -D - -X PUT https://localhost:9004/apis \
--header "content-type:application/json" \

Remember to change the {YOUR_JSON_WITH_API_GROUPS_SPECIFICATION} variable to the name of the file where you have provided your API specification.


On success, the Standalone Authorizer responds with HTTP/1.1 204 No Content. You can also observe the results of this operation in the ACP’s Gateway Management page, by selecting the APIs tab and clicking on your service name.

Gateway APIs

You can also confirm your API configuration by querying the Standalone Authorizer’s /apis endpoint:

curl -sSLk -X GET https://localhost:9004/apis \
--header "Accept:application/json"

As the result of this request, you get a list of all APIs imported to your Standalone Authorizer instance.

Apply authorization policies

The Standalone Authorizer makes it possible to validate your authorization policies assigned to your imported APIs by making a POST request to the /request/validate endpoint of the Standalone Authorizer.

If you were to make such a request now, you would see that your APIs do not have any authorization policy assigned at the moment. See example below.

curl -sSLk -D - -X POST https://localhost:9004/request/validate \
--header "content-type:application/json" \
--data   '{"api_group":"my-service","method":"GET","path":"/anything"}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2021 08:45:42 GMT
Content-Length: 0

As you can see, the GET request results with the HTTP/1.1 200 OK status. It means that there is no access control applied for this API at the moment.

Let’s protect your APIs.

  1. In the workspace where you have your APIs discovered, go to Enforcement > APIs.

  2. Apply an authorization policy to one of your APIs.

    1. For the API you wish to set a policy, select the Unrestricted / Protected button.

    2. Choose a policy from the list or add a new one.

      You can, for example, set the Block API policy for testing purposes.

      Block API

    3. Select Save.

  3. Make a POST request to the /request/validate endpoint for your Standalone Authorizer. See example below.

     curl -sSLk -D - -X POST https://localhost:9004/request/validate \
     --header "content-type:application/json" \
     --data   '{"api_group":"my-service","method":"GET","path":"/anything"}'

    Learn more

    Learn more about the /request/validate endpoint’s schema by reading the its schema section.

    Set the api_group parameter to the name of the service you have imported to ACP. Provide the same method and path parameter to which you have applied your authorization policy.


    If you applied the Block API policy to the GET method for the /anything endpoint, the request now returns the HTTP/1.1 403 Access Forbidden status with the following response body: {"status_code":403,"error":"request in not authorized","details":null}


To test your API access control, you can also use the NIST-AAL-1 authorization policy. The policy enforces access protection with an additional requirement: the HTTP request must contain an access token. To test how it works, apply the policy to the endpoint of your choice and make the request with the authorization header as in the example below:

curl -sSLk -D - -X POST https://localhost:9004/request/validate \
--header "content-type:application/json" \
--data   '{"api_group":"new-service","method":"DELETE","path":"/anything","headers":{"authorization":["Bearer '$AT'"]}'

The $AT environment variable stands for your access token. To learn more on how to authenticate your client applications, read the Getting started with ACP REST API documentation.

/request/validate schema

To validate an HTTP request to a defined Gateway API, POST the request to the Standalone Authorizer’s /request/validate endpoint:

curl -sSLk -D - -X POST https://localhost:9004/request/validate \
     --header "content-type:application/json" \
     --data   @request_body.json

The JSON requst body represents the HTTP request that you wish to authorize:

   "api_group":"API Group ID",
   "method":"HTTP method: GET,PUT,etc",
   "path":"HTTP URL path",
      "One or more HTTP headers",
   "body":"optional base64-encoded request body"

Apply specific authorization policy

The Standalone Authorizer makes it possible to validate access to your imported APIs against a specific policy, by making a POST request to the /policy/validate endpoint of the Standalone Authorizer.

The policy does not need to be assigned to the API, because it is specified in the authorization request to the /policy/validate endpoint of the Standalone Authorizer. Your POST request to /policy/validate must specify the policy ID that you wish to apply, via the policy key of the JSON request. In this example, we specify the authorization policy named NIST-AAL-1 API:

 curl -sSLk -D - -X POST https://localhost:9004/policy/validate \
     --header "content-type:application/json" \
        --data   '{"policy":"nist-aal-1_system_api","method":"GET","path":"/anything"}'

The example above results in HTTP status 403, because the policy NIST-AAL-1 requires the requesting client to present an access token. In the example below, the client’s request specifies the token that is be tested by the policy:

 curl -sSLk -D - -X POST https://localhost:9004/policy/validate \
     --header "content-type:application/json" \
        --data   '{"token":"'$AT'","policy":"nist-aal-1_system_api","method":"GET","path":"/anything"}'

The $AT environment variable stands for your access token. To learn more on how to authenticate your client applications, read the Getting started with ACP REST API documentation.

/policy/validate schema

To validate an HTTP request to a defined Gateway API using a specified authorization policy, POST the request to the Standalone Authorizer’s /policy/validate endpoint:

curl -sSLk -D - -X POST https://localhost:9004/policy/validate \
     --header "content-type:application/json" \
     --data   @request_body.json

The JSON request body represents the HTTP request that you wish to authorize:

   "method":"HTTP method: GET,PUT,etc",
   "path":"HTTP URL path",
   "token":"optional access token",
      "One or more HTTP headers",
   "body":"optional base64-encoded request body"

Note that policies must be specified by the policy ID, rather than the policy name. Some policies require an access token to be specified in the token field.