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Using reference consent self-service and admin portals

With Cloudentity consent self-service and consent admin portals you can enable users and administrators to manage Open Banking consents. Use Cloudentity Open Banking Quickstart application to test integration between data recipient's apps, Cloudentity, and consent management portals.

Consent management applications can be divided into two categories:

  • Consent self-service portals, where customers are able to manage their consents, for example, to revoke them.

  • Consent admin portal, where administrators can manage consents for the customers, for example, to revoke a consent on a customer’s request.

Cloudentity delivers both portals as part of the Open Banking Quickstart GitHub project. Both applications, the consent self-service portal and the consent admin portal, can be adjusted to be compliant with the following directives:

  • Open Banking UK

  • Open Banking Brazil

  • Consumer Data Right


  1. You have set up Open Banking Quickstart environment.

    Your environment can be configured to be compliant with any available Open Banking directive.

    Quickstart setup for CDR

    The Open Banking Quickstart project contains mocked Data Recipient application that you can find under https://datarecipient.mock:9001/. You can go through the whole flow using the Mock Data Recipient to discover available Data Holders, get Software Statement Assertion (SSA), dynamically register your Mock Data Recipient to a Mock Data Holder brand, and initiate the authorization flow with the selected Data Holder.

  2. You have granted any consents for third party applications.

Manage consents in self-service portal

  1. Access the consent self-service portal that is available under https://localhost:8085/.

  2. Authenticate as the same user for whom you granted consents as the part of the prerequisites.

    The landing page for the consent self-service portal opens. Go Bank is a mock financial institution used by Cloudentity to illustrate the flow of Open Banking/Data ecosystems. You can see all expired and active consents and filter them by consent type.

    Consent self service portal

  3. Select application with active consents.


    If you do not see any active consents, you need to go through the authorization flow once again.

    You can see a detailed view of consents granted to selected application. You can check for which accounts the consent was granted or browse payment consents.

    Consent self service - consents for application view

  4. Select a consent for a particular account of your choice.

    You are presented with consent details. You can either cancel or Revoke access.

    Consent self service - consent details view

Manage consents in admin portal

  1. Access the consent admin portal that is available under https://localhost:8086/.

  2. Authenticate as an administrator.

  3. Provide an account number to search and manage consents on behalf of the customers.

    The landing page for the consent admin portal opens. Go Bank is a mock financial institution used by Cloudentity to illustrate the flow of Open Banking/Data ecosystems. You can see all expired and active consents and filter them by consent type.

    Consent admin portal

  4. Select application with active consents.


    If you do not see any active consents, you need to go through the authorization flow once again.

    You can see a detailed view of consents granted for the selected application. You can check for which accounts the consent was granted or browse payment consents. You can Revoke access for given application (all its consents).

    Consent admin portal - consents for application view

  5. Select a consent for a particular account of your choice.

    You are presented with consent details.

    Consent admin portal - consent details view

  6. Using the top navigation, select Third party providers.

    You can see all applications that are granted access or have the access already revoked. You can revoke the access for applications of your choice on behalf of the customer.

    Consent admin portal - third party providers view