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Open Banking guides

Building the Open-Banking-compliant consent page with ACP
This article can be of a particular interest for a developer assigned by the bank to build an Open-Banking-compliant consent page. The bank developers can find here not only information on how the custom consent page works in the Open Banking (OB) ecosystem but also guidelines on how to produce a consent page in accordance with OB standards.
CDR Arrangement Amendment
This article provides an overview of CDR consent(arragement) amendement process when an accredited data recipient wants to modify an existing data sharing consent obtained from a consumer
CDR Consumer Consent Withdrawal
The Consumer Data Right is a right for consumers to choose to safely share their data with accredited, trusted recipients. It is not a right for businesses to share consumers’ data without their consent. All participating systems must ensure that consent is genuine – that consumers understand what they are consenting to, that consents are clear and unambiguous, and they are not open ended. There should be no ‘implied’ consent allowed for data transfers. Consumers should be able to keep track of consents to share data and will be able to withdraw(revoke) them. In this article, we will explore how Cloudentity facilitates withdrawal of consent(arrangement) provided by consumers through various mechanisms.
CDR Data Recipient Client Registration & Management
This article provides an overview of Cloudentity enabling the Data Holders to be CDR complaint by providing the Security Profile requirements implementation especially for Dynamic Client Registration for Data Recipients.
CDR DH API protection
This article provides an overview of protecting Data Holder(DH) APIs exposed by Data Holder ecosystem using the CDR compliant authorization tokens issued by Cloudentity authorization platform.
Implementing custom Open Banking Brazil compliant consent page
Learn how to implement an Open Banking Brazil compliant custom consent page. Developers can find here not only information on how the custom consent page works in the Open Banking Brazil (OB) ecosystem but also guidelines on how to produce a consent page in accordance with OB Brazil standards.
Building CDR compliant consent application
Learn how to build CDR compliant consent applications, consent self-service portals, and consent administrator portals. Check how to integrate with Cloudentity using its built-in consent APIs.
Building CDR Consumer Consent Dashboards
Learn how to build CDR-compliant consumer consent self-service portals, and consent administrator portals utilizing built-in consent APIs provided by Cloudentity .
Enabling the custom consent page in ACP
Instructions on how to enable the custom consent page in the ACP portal
Integrating the custom consent page with ACP
Instructions on how to integrate the custom consent page with ACP
Using Dynamic Client Registration for Open Banking
Instructions on how to configure and use the Open-Banking-compliant DCR in ACP
Dynamically setting the AMR and ACR claims using ACP Extensions
Learn what are the authentication methods reference and authentication context class references. Find out how you can map custom attributes with AMR and ACR when an IDP does not support those claims.
Using reference consent self-service and admin portals
With Cloudentity consent self-service and consent admin portals you can enable users and administrators to manage Open Banking consents. Use Cloudentity Open Banking Quickstart application to test integration between data recipient’s apps, Cloudentity, and consent management portals.