Enabling the custom consent page in ACP


Enable the custom consent screen for your workspace in the ACP portal.

Custom consent

By default, ACP offers the OAuth consent page, which does not require any configuration. Alternatively, ACP allows you to use the custom consent page designed for an administrator who needs to integrate other-than-OAuth consent page, for example, for Open Banking purposes.

In the Open Banking consent page, the end user is usually requested to allow specific actions (for example, a bank transfer) or access to specific data or entities (for example, a user account).

The Open Banking consent page is normally produced by the bank. Since the bank has the access to sensitive data (such as users accounts), this is the bank that needs to implement the custom consent page.


  • You can log in to the ACP portal as an administrator.
  • You have a workspace configured in ACP.

Access workspace settings

  1. In your browser, navigate to ACP and log in with your credentials.

  2. From Workspace Directory, select a workspace that you want to enter.

  3. In the workspace, select Settings from the sidebar.


    The Workspace Settings view opens.

The consent screen is a prompt displayed to the end user when your application requests access to the user’s private data.

  1. In the Workspace settings view, select the Consent screen view.

  2. In the Consent screen view

    1. Select OPEN BANKING CONSENT to enable a custom consent screen for Open Banking purposes.

    2. In the Consent URL field, provide the web address of your custom consent to be integrated.

    3. Select Save changes to proceed.


    When you save your changes, a client is created automatically and its metadata gets displayed in the right-side pane.


The automatically-created client is to be used for invoking API that is to accept or reject the consent.

The automatically-generated metadata of the client are for developers or integrators of the custom consent page. The metadata includes the client ID, the client secret, scopes, and the token URL.

You have configured your workspace so that it uses the custom consent page for Open Banking purposes. Also, you have the client and its metadata generated. Now you can proceed to integrate the custom consent page.

Integrate the consent page

For details on how to integrate the Open-Banking-compliant consent page with ACP, see Integrating the custom consent page.