acp tenants create


Create a tenant with default authorization servers and clients.

acp tenants create [flags]


  -h, --help                 help for create
  -d, --tenant-id string     the id of a tenant
  -n, --tenant-name string   the name of a tenant (default "default")
  -u, --tenant-url string    the tenant base url

Parent commands options

Options inherited from parent commands

      --client.rootCA.path string                 path to the http client root ca
      --config string                             config files
      --demo                                      turn on demo app
      --dev                                       turn on dev mode
      --elasticsearch.configuration.disable       disable elasticsearch configuration on startup
      --elasticsearch.configuration.path string   path to the directory with elasticsearch configuration (default "./config/elasticsearch")
      --hazelcast.address string                  hazelcast address
      --hazelcast.password string                 hazelcast password
      --hazelcast.serverName string               used to verify hostname on the returned certificate
      --hazelcast.tls                             use tls for hazelcast
      --hazelcast.username string                 hazelcast username
      --integration.apis.enabled                  enable integration apis
      --logfile string                            Log filename
      --logformat string                          Log format [plain,logfmt,json]
      --loglevel string                           Log level [critical,error,warning,info,debug] string                          key identifier (default "default")
      --secret.key string                         key value
      --server.cache.disabled                     disable server cache
      --server.cert.path string                   path to the http server certificate
      --server.key.path string                    path to the http server private key
      --server.mtls string                        client authentication policy (default "NoClientCert")
      --server.port int                           http server port (default 8443)
      --server.tls.disabled                       disable tls
      --server.url string                         http server url
      --sql.migrations.disable                    disable migrations on startup
      --sql.migrations.down                       migrate database down before up
      --sql.migrations.path string                path to the directory with migrations (default "./migrations")
      --sql.url string                            postgresql database url
      --swagger                                   turn on swagger ui