Configuring the ACP look and feel for the users


This article can be of a particular interest for ACP administrators who would like to configure the ACP look and feel for their users and developers. The admins can find here information on what they can customize in ACP UI and how to do it using the ACP portal.

As soon as you integrate with ACP and make it available for your users and developers, you can customize ACP interface for them.

UI customization in ACP

ACP enables you to configure the look and feel of the ACP user portal and the ACP developer portal. As an ACP administrator, you get a dedicated view where you can set up specific graphical items and see the instant demo of the input you provide as the UI settings.


In ACP, you can modify the UI style per tenant, which means that your UI customization applies to all the workspaces within your organization.

Look-and-feel view

The Look & feel view (available from the sidebar) consists of the central Preview area and the right Settings pane.

In Settings, you can configure as follows:

  • Primary color
  • Header color
  • Company logo
  • Font type.

In Preview, you can check how the settings that you’ve just defined look like. Preview shows sample pages with your settings applied. You can switch between three displays available in Preview: Consent, User portal, and Developer portal.


You can always return to the default UI configuration by selecting the Reset to default button.

Configure UI for the users

To learn how to configure the look and feel of the ACP user and developer portals, either see the video demonstrating this process or check the instruction including step-by-step configuration guidelines.



  1. In your browser, navigate to the ACP admin portal and log in with your credentials.

  2. In the Workspace Directory view, select a workspace that you’d like to perform your customization from.


    The changes you make in the selected workspace apply per tenant so all the workspaces in your organization are affected.

  3. In the landing page of the selected workspace, select Appearance from the sidebar.

  4. In the Appearance view, navigate to the Settings pane and configure available GUI features as needed. You can

    • Select Primary color and Header color
    • Provide the logo to be displayed in GUI by entering Company logo URL
    • Select Logo size by picking one of the available options (Small, Medium, Large)
    • Define the font type by entering Font URL
    • Get back to the default settings with the Reset to default button.

    Check the preview

    While applying your custom settings, check the Preview area to see how your modifications are rendered in the mock ACP GUI. Preview shows three ACP GUIs: Consent, User portal, and Developer portal. Switch between them with the Preview navigation in the top right corner (< and >).

  5. Select Save to apply your new GUI configuration.