Assigning data classification tags to APIs

Data classification tags are applicable across the system and come in useful when classifying APIs, consent actions, or services.


Assign data classification tags to APIs for policy assignment purposes and more.


  • You have login credentials to ACP.
  • You have at least one service created in ACP.

Log in and navigate

  1. Log in to the ACP portal with your credentials.

  2. In the ACP home page, go to CHANGE WORKSPACE in the sidebar and select a workspace that you want to enter.

  3. In the workspace page, select APIs from the sidebar.

  4. In the APIs Management view, select the PRIVACY tab.


    Your list of services opens and shows connected APIs if there are any for particular services.

Add tags to existing APIs

  1. In the PRIVACY tab of the APIs Management view, pick a service with APIs connected and select one of the APIs.

  2. In the Edit API dialog box, enter a data classification tag name into the field.

  3. Select UPDATE.


    The API gets updated with the new data classification and the tag is visible on the list of the APIs for your service in the PRIVACY tab of the APIs Management view.

Add tags to new APIs

  1. In the PRIVACY tab of the APIs Management view, pick a service with no APIs connected and select ADD API in the service section.

  2. In the Add API dialog box, specify

    • Method
    • Path
    • Policy
    • Data classifications

  3. Select CREATE.


    Your new API assigned with the data classification tag is visible on the APIs list for your service in the PRIVACY tab of the APIs Management view.