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Smart ACP login portal

Explore how you can make your logging in with Authorization Control Plane (ACP) easier and quicker. Check the features that ACP offers for a smooth and user-friendly access to ACP portals.

Logging in to ACP in a nutshell

On top of standard login flows and features, such as the credentials prompt or the keep-me-signed-in checkbox, ACP offers a few intelligent login solutions that can simplify your work and improve your efficiency. ACP learns your login patters and, based on those, enhances your login page with additional shortcuts and features. You get an easy and quick access to your favorite workspaces, most-frequently-used IDP, and more, all directly from the login page.


You have an ACP administrator’s account.

External IDP login

ACP login page enables you to log in with IDPs active for a particular workspace or developers portal. They are displayed only if you have at least one external IDP connected and activated for a workspace or a developer portal.

To use an IDP hint in your login page, you need to enable the IDP in the Identities page in your workspace. To learn how to configure your IDP hints and check if this setup works, see the video or steps 1-3.

IDP-hints video guide

Remember the IDP

ACP login page allows you to select an IDP that would be used for logging in with by default. With the Remember my Identity Provider toggle switch available at the bottom of the login page, you can pick an IDP to log in with next time. To make an IDP default for future logins, select the Remember my Identity Provider toggle and log in with the desired IDP.

You can give up your remembered IDP at any time and pick any other IDP from among your active identities by selecting Select a different account in the login page.


  1. From the workspace/portal sidebar, select Identity Data > Identity Providers.

  2. From the Identities list, select Active toggles for all the IDPs that you want to enable.

  3. Try to log in to a demo application within the configured workspace. You should now have the option to log in with the configured IDP

Further reading